(Ep. 71) Focusing on Our Children with Dr. Donna Ruiz

On this weeks episode of The Beats with Kelly Kennedy we welcomed the lovely Dr. Donna Ruiz on to discuss her child practice and approach. Dr. Ruiz leads with her heart first which becomes evident in hearing about her success stories.

Dr. Ruiz is board-certified in Pediatrics through the American Board of Pediatrics as well as double-boarded in Integrative Medicine through the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABOIM) and American Board of Integrative & Holistic Medicine (ABIHM). Besides being trained as an allopathic physician, treatment modalities Dr. Ruiz incorporates into her clinical practice include Functional Medicine, clinical homeopathy, medical acupuncture, herbs, dietary support, peptides, and IV nutritional therapies including ozone to treat various acute and chronic medical conditions.

Shows notes||

0:00 | Introduction

2:55 | Dr. Donna Ruiz’ background

5:50 | What is CEDH?

10:00 | Dr. Donna share a clients story

20:15 | Dr. Donna introduces peptides to us

26:20 | What is a peptide?

29:25 | How does Donna support immune function

35:05 || Working with our kids and nutrition

42:40| Dr. Donna Ruiz’ secret

Connect with Dr. Donna Ruiz||

[email protected]


Resources mentioned||

CEDH- Center of Education Development of Homeopathy: https://www.cedhusa.org/course-registration/

SIBO: https://sibosos.com

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