(EP. 69) Attaining Synergy through Hydrogen Water & EMF Protection with Paul Barattiero

On this weeks episode of The Beats with Kelly Kennedy we explore the benefits of Hydrogen Water with Paul Barattiero. There are so many different kinds of water that we should be drinking or need to have! Which one do we choose?? In this episode Paul does an amazing job of bringing forth the science and making sense of what our bodies truly need to function optimally.

Paul is the Founder and CEO of Synergy Scienceâ„¢. Paul has been a pioneer and leader in the hydrogen water industry for 15 years. He has labored to bring to market cutting-edge, scientific-based, natural-healing technologies to facilitate detoxification, gut recovery, reduction of oxidative stress, inflammation as well as protection from EMF radiation. You can find him featured in numerous shows and documentaries and has co-authored several books. He lives with his family in the mountains of Utah.

Show notes||

0:00 | Introduction

5:05 | How did Paul get into Hydrogen water & EMF protection?

9:50 | Paul’s background

11:00 | How did pH water begin?

16:30 | Synergy Sciences evolution of hydrogen water

23:40 | Is pH water actually beneficial?

30:56 | What does ORP stand for? What does it do?

31:48| Whats’ the deal with radicals? Are we too harsh on them?

32:35 | How often can you drink hydrogen water?

33:54 | When you look at what the body naturally does you can learn how to work with it, hydrogen water is an example of that

35:00 | If hydrogen water fixes the gut..why don’t you rent the machines instead of sell them?

39:20 | What should we do about showering and filtration?

46:25 | Is Reverse Osmosis good for you?

55:30 | What does Hydrogen water do for you?

106:20 | The wavegaurd technology and its ability to protect against non native EMF

1:13:00 | The EMF products Synergy Science has to offer

1:20:00 | What is Paul’s secret for the world?

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Connect with Paul Barattiero||


instagram: Synergyscienceinc

facebook: Synergy Science, INC

Youtube:  @Synergy Science, Inc. 

[email protected]

resources mentioned||


Synergy Science University

Rasmus Guapp-Berghausen and Sound of Soul

Dr. Jay Davidson from Cellcore

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