(Ep. 84) How to Build a Healthy Child with Dr. Melina Roberts

On this weeks episode of The Beats with Kelly Kennedy we invite back Dr. Melina Roberts for her third podcast with us! Every one of Dr. Melina’s appearance on The Beats she brings vital information that we all need to be aware of and of course this episode is no different. In this episode we dive into the research and findings Dr. Melina has found and brought to light through her book ‘Building a Healthy Child’. At any stage of your life this is a podcast that will have a powerful impact on how you maintain your health moving forward.

Dr. Melina Roberts is a Naturopathic Doctor, Author of Building a Healthy Child, Medical Director and Founder of Advanced Naturopathic Medical Centre in Calgary and is a TEDx speaker. She is recognized as one of the top Biological Medicine practitioners in North America. She is a leading authority in the field of naturopathic medicine specializing in Biological Medicine effectively treating digestive issues, complex chronic disease and cancer. Dr. Roberts is a graduate of the University of Waterloo and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. She did a 2 year post-graduate study in Biological Medicine with Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland.

Show Notes||

0:00 | Introduction

3:05 | How did Dr. Melina become the amazing Naturopath and Biological Practitioner that she is today and how that lead to her writing ‘Building a Healthy Child’

– From cancer treatment to cancer prevention via gut health

13:40 | Can you reset your gut flora?

15:25 | How can you tell how well a gut is functioning?

16:20 | What a mother is consuming has a direct correlation to the breast milk your baby is getting

25:00| Breast milk malfunctions, how Does Dr. Melina handle that?

30:38 | Who is Dr. Melina’s book primarily for?

32:40 | What if their diet and bowel moments are great..how does Dr. Melina handle a case like that?

34:50| Are there things other than food that affect the microbiome?

36:30 | Dr. Melina explains the brain gut connection through the HPA axis

40:35| The stress that our kids are experiencing mentally and physically

43:50 | How does Dr. Melina handle food with her child?

52:47 | Where you can learn more about Dr. Melina Roberts

55:10 | What is Dr. Melina’s message for the world?


Connect with Dr. Melina Roberts||


IG: https://www.instagram.com/drmelinaroberts/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/AdvancedNaturopathic/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/drmelinaroberts

Book: Building a Healthy Child https://advancednaturopathic.com/building-a-healthy-child/

Online Courses: https://drmelinaroberts.mykajabi.com/


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