(Ep. 67) Self Care Over Health Care with Dr. Jeoff Drobot

On this weeks episode of The Beats with Kelly Kennedy we had our good friend Dr. Jeff Drobot from the Biomed Center in Scottsdale Arizona. In this episode we touch on what is truly needed in our modern society to be healthy and how technology can support us in the endeavor.

Jeoffrey Drobot, NMD is one of the founders and medical directors of the American Center for Biological Medicine (ACBM). ​ Dr. Drobot graduated from the University of Calgary with a degree in Exercise Physiology. He then pursed a doctorate from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. He is regularly sought out by organizations and elite athletes, and his supplement line, PeakBio, is utilized by the best coaches and practitioners in the fields of health and fitness.

Dr. Drobot is a leading authority in the fields of European Biological Medicine, chronic and autoimmune disease treatments, detoxification, hormonal imbalance correction and customized sports medicine and nutrition programs. His love of medicine has evolved into a vast clinical focus treating men, women and children from the youngest to the oldest. He regularly travels the world attending seminars, educating others, and considers himself blessed to be able to spend time with the most talented people in medicine.

Show notes||

0:00 | Introduction

3:25 | What has Dr. Drobot up too?

9:12 | We don’t have a program for health anymore..hmmm

13:48 | Self care over health care

18:00 | Longevity is rooted in flexibility

23:45 | Concerned with the results not the process

28:00 | Using technology to advance our health

32:10 | Health is rooted in proactivity

35:00 | Allowing your physiology to work with the seasons

39:00 | Using ancient wisdom with modern technology

42:20 | You’re well being cannot be found in a pill

43:00 | The global impact of FLOWpresso: the ultimate meditation

44:10 | Biohacking has been around for ever

47:30 | Health is simple, illness is complicated

48:05 | Health begins with small, practical choices

Connect with Dr. Drobot||


Biomed Center- Instagram

Drdrobot- Instagram

Resources mentioned ||

Stay tuned for Dr. Drobot’s Biological BluePrint Program


The Beats (Ep. 24) The Business of the Biological Approach with Dr. Jeoff Drobot

Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Conference Orlando

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