In this bonus episode of The Beats Podcast, Kelly Kennedy sits down once again for her insightful husband Ian Kennedy to discuss the controversial topic of food. Ultimately, I think we can all agree there may not be a perfect diet and that variety is key, however, based on our anatomy there are some tell tales of what the body is designed to digest.
We hope you enjoy this loaded episode full of information and insight.
0:00 | Introduction
1:05 | Is there a perfect diet?
2:29 | Our anatomy tells us what the ideal diet is, the difference between omnivores, carnivores, and herbivores
6:41 | Based off anatomy, what Ian believes to be the optimal diet for humans
8:59 | We should not be afraid of eating fruits
9:25 | The problem with cooked vegetables
10:23 | The importance of having a variety
11:14 | Our ‘abundant’ society is actually destructive
12:08 | What kind of meat should we be eating?
13:30 | Bowel movements should reflect your food intake
14:16 | The importance of food flexibility
14:37 | Your body will change depending on what your are eatingÂ
16:07 | We are filters, using the food we ingest to build the body
16:45 | The most common diseases in our society are caused by lifestyle and food choices
17:11 | Why cultures often pray over their food
18:11 | ‘Don’t eat your food with your fingers’….not so fast…
18:30 | Why we should give our digective tract a break
19:41 | We receive most of our energy from breathing air
References ||
Ian Kennedy from The True Wellness Center & BioRegulatory Medicine Institute
Dr. Emoto : thoughts and words effect water
The Beats Podcast with Kelly Kennedy is available on youtube, apple, spotify, google, and of course
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