FLOWE with Kelly Kennedy



Listen and watch each month as Kelly and her amazing colleagues take you on a journey from your mouth to the inside of the cell and everything in the middle.

There is no need to sit in fear of viruses, cancer, bacteria, metals, emotional stress or any other toxins any longer. Rest well once you are guarded with the proper understanding and knowledge of HOW THE BODY REALLY WORKS. Welcome to the foundation of health and the world of Naturally Oriented Therapists and Medically Enlightened Doctors and Specialists

“The body is the most efficient filtration system in the world. Our job is to help it function optimally.” –
“When you truly surrender to the flow of life, the universe shows up for you in ways you never imagined.”
“The journey to optimal health isn’t about the destination; it’s about the steps you take, the people you meet, and
“Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.” In this deeply personal and empowering episode of the Energy F.L.O.W. Podcast, I
Episode title: The Sacred Power of Water with Isabel Friend  “Water is the universal solvent; it holds the solutions to
“Symptoms are the body’s way of saying, ‘Detox isn’t working.’ It’s the signal that something is congested, and it’s time
Episode Summary: In this insightful episode, Kelly Kennedy sits down with Dr. Stephanie Rimka to explore the profound effects of
In this episode of Energy Flow, Kelly Kennedy is joined by Mario Brainovic, a leading water scientist, to explore the
“We removed enough blockages for this energy to flow, and once there’s flow, the pain goes away because pain is
“Algae is nature’s gift to us – the first life on Earth that provides dense nutrition, detoxifies, and supports the
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