On this weeks episode of The Beats with Kelly Kennedy we sit down with America’s Gut Doctor, Dr Vincent Pedre. Dr. Pedre is a wealth of knowledge and insight whom eloquently acknowledges and applies the mind, body, soul connection in order to optimize overall gut health. Dr. Vincent Pedre is the Medical Director of Pedre Integrative Health and Founder of Dr. Pedre Wellness, nutraceutical consultant for NatureMD and Orthomolecular Products, CEO of Happy Gut Life LLC, and a Functional Medicine-Certified Practitioner in private practice in New York City since 2004. He believes the gut is the gateway to excellent wellness. As the bestselling author of “HAPPY GUT®—The Cleansing Program To Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy and Eliminate Pain,” featuring his proprietary ‘blueprint’ for healing the gut, the Gut C.A.R.E.® Program—he has helped thousands around the world resolve their gut-related health issues. Show Notes|| 0:00 | Introduction 2:45 | How Dr. Vincent contributed to the healing process of the World Trade Center 10:50 | Dr. Vincent Pedre explains the relationship between the gut and pyscho emotional health 23:00 | Dr Vincent shares a study of how people who end up in the hospital could be determined by their gut microbiome 26:20| How to support a health gut microbiome 28:05 | Are you responsible for your illness? 29:42| Our health is directly connected to our surrounding environment and inner environment 36:05 | We need to be in the parasympathetic state in order to heal 41:30 Honesty is required in order to resolve underlying problems 49:00 | Dr. Vincent’s 28 day Gut Reboot and 7 day Gut Reset 56:48 | What is Dr. Vincent’s Secret for the world? Connect with Dr. Vincent Pedre! happygutlife.com Happy Gut Book by Dr. Vincent Pedre facebook.com/DrVincentPedre IG: @drpedre Twitter: @DrPedre [email protected] Dr. Pedre’s FREE digital guide to learn ten simple steps that will give you freedom from bloating and other annoying stomach “issues,” and related symptoms, like fatigue, mental fog, and skin problems… The Top Ten Tips to a Healthy, Happy Gut: https://www.happygutlife.com/top10tips/ Resources mentioned|| Sound of Soul FLOWpresso Wim Hopf