(Ep. 46) Low Dose Immunotherapy with Dr. Nick Baboulas

On this weeks episode of The Beats Kelly Kennedy sits down with Dr. Nick Baboulas from Eirini Healing Solutions to discuss Low Dose Immunotherapy. If you are like what is that??? Well, that is the purpose of this weeks podcast. Kelly and Dr. Nick explore in this podcast what low dose immunotherapy is how it works, why it is is important, and so much more!

When all said is done, Dr. Nick Baboulas wants all to realize that there is hope, patients can get better, and they will reach their optimal health!

Dr. Baboulas first career was as a “Medicinal Chemist’ working in the Pharmaceutical Industry, however, personal family circumstances changed his career path and he went to Medical School to become a Naturopathic Doctor. Dr. Baboulas experiences have shaped his way/philosophy on how to view disease/illness and the patient; therefore, he tries to understand the patient’s current pathological state from a Bioregulatory/ Integrative Biological Medicine standpoint. He has done extensive training in many disciplines around North America and Europe with world renowned Doctors in their respective fields, and very lucky to be able to call some of them his personal mentors! Dr. Baboulas’ style is eclectic, where he utilizes whatever modalities best fit his patient’s condition/current state. Clinically, he focuses to support patients with complex chronic illness, such as autoimmune disease, Lyme, CFS, Fibromyalgia, etc. He knows that there is hope, patients can reach their optimal health, and he is there to support them along that healing journey.

0:00 | Introduction

6:30 | Dr. Nick shares his story

12:30 |Dr. Nick’s approach at his center Eirini Healing Solutions

16:00 | Dr. Nick dives into low dose immunotherapy

19:10 | Unpacking lDI and LDA

25:10 | Dr. Nick explains what bioenergetics means to him

27:00 | How can we look at resonance?

28: 16 ||The connection between LDI/ LDA and frequency

29:10 | How homeopathy and LDI are similar

31:15 | How are LDI/A’s working to reduce inflammation?

35:10 | Dr. Nick’s approach to draining

36:18 | The difference between TH1 & TH2 response

38 :50 | The results Dr. Nick has seen with LDI

43:00| How dosing works for LDI

50:45 | Dr. Nick’s secret that he would share with the world

resources mentioned ||

The Lymphatic Rescue Summit Hosted by Shivan Sarna

HRV Comprehension with Rasmus

Connect with Dr. NIck Baboulas


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