Philosophy and Approach

Our Philosophy

True Wellness is a nutritionally based, European Biological center. The True Wellness philosophy centers on the understanding that today’s health challenges arise from the many layers of toxic health stressors and lack of proper nutrition. Over time these health stressors cause a breakdown in a person’s immune system and a disruption in the natural self-regulation or compensation of the body. As the disruption of these systems continue, they will lead to symptoms and eventual dis-ease.

Much like snow flakes piling up, one upon another, these health stressors overwhelm the body’s ability to naturally heal itself. There is never just one thing responsible for an individual’s dis-ease. The underlying cause of the body dysfunction is rather a cascade or a snowstorm of physical, environmental and toxic emotional health stressors. True Wellness focuses on stopping this storm of overburden and the “layering of snow flakes” and then clearing away the toxic build-up from the body. As a result the person’s wellness is naturally restored and this process is unique to each individual as is their fingerprint.

Each Client undergoes individualized and computerized analyses which brings into focus all the pieces of the puzzle. Then, specialized personal wellness programs are specifically tailored to support and restore each individual’s own healing capacity. Coupled with whole-body dentistry (when appropriate) by trusted, bioregulatory dentists, this European Biological model to health and wellness has been proven to be extremely effective in Europe… and now, here in America. Our expertise and devotion to this approach, coupled with a client’s commitment to the True Wellness program, is the key naturally restoring wellness.

Our Approach

Much like an artist, biological practitioners have their own view of how they will paint each portrait. Practitioners Ian Kennedy and Kelly Kennedy are without exception and each have a unique view on the BioRegulatory Approach to Health. Coupled with their extensive education and experience in the health and wellness industry, this particular combination makes True Wellness an office like no other. In addition to their commitment and desire to constantly seek new therapies, enhanced technology and experienced teachers, Ian and Kelly also bring their creative and strategic approaches to your individualized health plan. We look forward to working with clients that are ready, willing and able to address and change any nutritional, wellness and lifestyle choices that are in need of adjustment.

Throughout the years, we have been privy to the wisdom, teachings and knowledge of great mentors. The following thought, from Dr. Thomas Rau, reinforces True Wellness’ core idea; “If you are looking for a different approach, I can guarantee you that we have a different approach for you.” Another mentor also constantly reminded us; “For things to change, we have to change; for things to get better, we have to get better.”

True Wellness looks forward to helping all of you… achieve your goals.

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