Office Regulations

Our Office

Office Regulations

We ask that each client refrain from wearing cologne or perfumes as they inflame allergy responses in many of our clients. Bringing food into the office, unless otherwise approved, is also discouraged for the same reasons of allergy sensitivities. Your time at True Wellness is also a good opportunity to put down your cell phone, i-pad or other personal electronics to give your body and mind a rest from the heavy electromagnetic fields they emit. It may have been a long time since you have been able to disconnect from today’s electronic stress and treatment appointments are a good time to do so. This also lowers the electronic smog for others in the office.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel an appointment, we require a 48-hour notice to avoid a missed appointment charge. This allows the office time to call clients on our waiting list and schedule someone else in your time slot. Our office schedule is very full and we work hard to stay on time to accommodate clients’ committed appointment times. Please call the office if you are running late for your appointment so we can make any accommodations, if needed, to our schedule.

Scheduling Sessions

If you have a particular time or day of the week that works best for your appointments, we recommend committing to that appointment slot over a few weeks/months to ensure you get your desired time and day.

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