Flowpresso Owner Media


You have purchased a FLOWpresso, this page is to help you construct a fluid experience for your clients

The video below is for your own use ONLY as a FLOWpresso device owner.

The creator, Desiree De Spong, explains the set up in great detail and this is an incredible reference tool for the smoothest and most efficient set up.

*NOTE that the manual settings are much higher than we recommend–we have found that numbers as high as the manual states are a bit too intense for most people so we start every chamber at a 3 and adjust settings from there to be on the cautious side. Email [email protected] if you have questions about how to find each clients settings and we are happy to get on a call with you to clarify. It is of the upmost importance for us that each individual getting on this new device has a therapeutic experience and we are happy to work with any of you in this way to accomplish that.

FLOWpresso Consent Form

Before you start clients on FLOWpresso sessions, we have them fill out this consent form.

You are free to use, take and adjust accordingly, we suggest running it by your personal lawyer before using.

FLOWpresso Data Sheets

After each client session, we record their numbers to increase set up efficiency of future sessions.

Here is the form that we use, feel free to take, use, and adjust as you feel necessary!

Understanding NVT

Relaxing Affirmations

In order to immerse the client into a relaxed experience, we play this YouTube video.

Itires from Pekana

Itires homeopathic ointment by Pekana is given to clients after their first FLOWpresso session (we include this in the price of their first session) to help speed excretion of toxins throughout their sessions. We use a body chart to show them where to place the ointment typically, the tonsils, termini, cisterna, antecubital fossa, and inguinals.

Briotech as a Disinfectant

After each session we use Briotech to disinfect the suite. Briotech is based on the science of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl), an organic and naturally occurring product of our internal defense system.


  • The FLOWpresso logo can be downloaded here.

  • Marketing Pamphlet that can be customized to your business!

  • We recommend creating an educational page for the FLOWpresso within your locations website to help educate clients on the device. You are welcome to copy anything from our FLOWpresso page to ensure we are all aligned.

FLOWpresso Media Branding

In this video Kelly shares what can and cannot be said in your FLOWpresso media content

FLOWpresso Media Branding

Included are eight incredible videos that are great to share on your social media platforms as professional testimonials and some of you even make appearances!

Highlighted is an episode of "The FLOW Show" which discusses the science behind the FLOWpresso as well as Kelly's podcast episode with Desiree

De Spong where they discuss FLOWpresso in detail.

Playlist on YouTube

The Beats Podcat with Kelly Kennedy

On The Beats Podcast, Kelly Kennedy invites her Naturally Oriented Therapists Medically Enlightened Doctors and Specialists to dicuss all methods of enhancing  the bodies innate intelligence so that our bodies are always in a  state of FLOW!

Checkout The Beats Podcast full playlist

Interested in purchasing a FLOWpresso ® For your products?

Please contact [email protected]  or call us 843-242-9290 at information

Find a FLOWpresso® near you!

As we create new media content that we feel is beneficial for educating the world about lymph and FLOWpresso, we will share those with all of you as well! In the meantime, you are more than welcome to email [email protected]  if you have any questions at all!

Thank you all so much for being a part of this incredible and fast growing community. We love and appreciate you and are here to support you in every way as you introduce this therapy to your clientele!

Kindest Regards,

The True Wellness Team


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