What is Lymph Node Release Technique?
Lymph Node Release Technique (LNRT) is a lymphatic enhancement technique created by Desiree DeSpong, the brilliant mind behind FLOWpresso therapy! Lymph Node Release Technique differs from Vodder/Chickly as we are not focusing on surface lymphatics but instead on the clusters of lymph nodes that filter the fluid from these vessels. This technique encourages toxins, excess fluid, cellular waste and proteins accumulated between the cells to safely exit through the body’s natural elimination channels. When combined with proper nutrition, diet and moderate exercise, This technique may also boost digestion, reduce bloating and constipation, enhance the healing process, improve metabolism and circulation, boost the immune system, and promote relaxation...The list goes on!

What is Lymph Node Release Technique?
Lymphatic Enhancement Technology (L.E.T.) is a non-invasive, gentle detoxification therapy used to improve lymphatic integrity and restore lymphatic flow and function. Using glass pyrex bulbs that emit low-energy, vibrational frequencies, L.E.T. encourages toxins, excess fluid, cellular waste and proteins accumulated between the cells to safely exit through the body’s natural elimination channels. When combined with proper nutrition, diet and moderate exercise, L.E.T. increases an overall feeling of well-being and can help restore your lymphatic system to optimal health within a few sessions
What is the Lymphatic System and why is it important to my health?
The lymphatic system is a key component of your immune system. This system consists of lymphatic ducts, vessels and capillaries, lymph nodes and lymph (fluid). The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are also part of the lymphatic system. It’s primary function is to transport lymph, a clear to milky fluid, through a vast network of over 600 lymph nodes. Lymph fluid carries specialized cells throughout your body that search out and destroy viruses, bacteria, toxins and waste products. The lymphatic system also helps circulate fluids, proteins, hormones and immune cells throughout the body that are vital to maintaining total body well-being and balance.
Our lymphatic system is like a transportation highway; as long as cars are moving freely, everybody can easily get to their destination. But what happens if there is an accident? Lane closures? Cars are now stuck on the highway with no way to exit. Cars quickly begin to pile up, creating traffic congestion and road blockades. Similar to a free flowing highway that comes to a stop, lymph, a clear watery fluid, becomes cloudy and thick with toxic waste products when the body cannot eliminate “traffic jams.” This lymphatic congestion can lead to swollen lymph nodes, a variety of chronic symptoms, illnesses and even cancer. L.E.T., FLOWpresso Therapy, and Lymph Node Release Technique help to clear the roadway wreckage, open the freeway and allow traffic to flow again.

How does my lymphatic system become congested?
Unlike the heart for the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is not pressurized by a muscle or “pump”. Therefore, lymphatic fluid does not flow at the same speed as blood. Without a “pump” the flow of lymph throughout the body is naturally slow and can easily get congested. Modern lifestyles substantially add to impaired lymph function, ranging from inactivity, poor diet and stress to environmental toxins and bodily injuries. When this state of congestion is long lasting, blockages can form and cause a backup in free lymphatic flow. As a result the lymphatic system needs greater assistance in clearing congestion and maintaining optimal health.
What factors affect my Lymphatic system?
Normal, everyday stressors have an impact on our Lymphatic health. The most common stressors on the lymphatic system include:
Poor nutrition & diet
Insufficient daily water intake
Wearing clothing that is too tight, including bras, neck-ties and compression garments
Food allergies or sensitivities
Lack of exercise / sedentary lifestyles
Environmental toxins including pollution, heavy metals, pesticides & herbicides
Hormonal imbalances
Infections & illness
Normal aging process
Traumatic injuries & surgeries

How does my lymphatic system become congested?
L.E.T. and Lymph Node Release Technique are both non-invasive body therapies that require clients to lay on a massage table, under sheets with some clothing/garments removed. The therapist then administers the body work by either manually applying light pressure to major points in the body containing lymph nodes or in the case of L.E.T., by placing ionized glass bulbs directly on the skin which are then glided over the skin in rhythmic motions stimulating lymphatic flow and directing lymphatic fluid to the appropriate sites of drainage. Sessions may include work on the face, arms, chest and/or breasts, abdomen, legs and back. Clients are appropriately draped throughout the session, as various body areas are worked. Soft, tranquil music is played in the room and lights are dimmed for an enjoyable experience. Most clients find the experience very relaxing and often fall asleep on the table.
Typical appointments are 60 minutes in length depending on your areas of concern. Our therapists have found that several, consistent sessions (1-2x weekly) over a shorter period (6-8 weeks) of time generally produces the best results. L.E.T. and LNRT maintenance sessions are generally recommended for optimal lymphatic health. Your lymphatic system is as unique as you are, therefore, individual treatment plans are available for your specific health goals and concerns.
Most clients find Lymphatic Enhancement sessions to be very relaxing. Post treatment some people are highly energized for hours while others may feel the need to rest. Each individual is unique and may react differently, but similar to other gentle detoxification therapies you may have an increase in bladder and/or bowel activity or a mild healing reaction as toxins exit through the natural pathways of the body.
Drinking adequate amounts of water (6-8 glasses) is recommended before and after each L.E.T. session to assist in the cleansing process. We also ask you to refrain from applying any lotions, oils, creams or perfumes to the body prior to your session in order to achieve the best results.
While L.E.T. is beneficial for many clients, there are a few contraindications for this therapy. Contraindications include:
Individuals with Pacemakers, other Implanted Medical/Electrical devices, or medicine pumps
Congestive Heart Failure
Individuals with known blood clots or history of blood clots
Undiagnosed lumps or tumors
Some cosmetic implants and cosmetic injections/ fillers (such as Botox) for cosmetic or medical purposes
Active skin infections, or open wounds at time of treatment
Your health and wellness is important to us. Disclosure of all medical conditions and health concerns prior to your first session will assist our Lymphatic therapists in determining if L.E.T. is an appropriate therapy for your individual needs and concerns. Certain pre-diagnosed conditions may require you to obtain a doctor’s approval prior to treatment