“I think more women would probably rule the world if they would heal more of both their feminine and masculine.”
~ Sandy Sembler
In a world that often pressures us to conform to societal norms, today’s guest is a beacon of light, igniting the path toward embodying our true, multifaceted selves.
From her corporate beginnings in consulting and banking to her passion for empowering others through embodiment work, Sandy Sembler’s story is a testament to the power of personal growth and self-discovery.
We explore the delicate dance of balancing the masculine and feminine forces within us all and how this balance is the key to unlocking our most vibrant, authentic selves. Sandy’s insights will guide you in overcoming emotional addictions that may be holding you back from embodying your true nature.
But the true magic lies in the vulnerability of self-reflection and the body’s innate ability to heal when we live in radical truth and authenticity. Sandy’s insights will inspire you to forge deeper, more meaningful relationships and embrace the profound nutrient of human connection.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-reflection and personal transformation? Join us as we delve into the profound impact of vulnerability and the balance of masculine and feminine energies on our flow state.
In This Episode:
-Sandy’s journey from corporate to feminine embodiment
-Embracing the masculine and feminine energies within
-Learning the art of receiving and the power of vulnerability
-Feminine embodiment practices
-How to shift from “doing” to “being”
-The dynamics of being found out
-Navigating relationships with authenticity and emotional intelligence
Take Sandy’s quiz – https://sandysembler.com/quiz
SheRISES: https://embody.sandysembler.com/offers/rYjo6pF2/checkout
SakredRespect: https://sandysembler.com/sakredrespect – Use the code FLOWE10 to get 10% off!
Connect with Sandy Sembler:
Website – https://sandysembler.com/
Website – https://sakredshe.info/FLOWE
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sandysembler/
Connect with Kelly Kennedy:
Website – https://thetruewellnesscenter.com/
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiZKB1-CBlAzq_aJj4u89cg
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/truewellnessglobal/
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